
ชื่อหน่วยงานมาตรฐาน  คำค้น

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  2. หากต้องการนำเอกสารไปใช้เพื่อการศึกษา ค้นคว้า วิจัยและพัฒนา กรุณาติดต่อเจ้าหน้าที่ทางอีเมล info@dss.go.th หรือโทรศัพท์ 0 2201 7252-6

ลำดับที่ 961 ถึง 990 จากที่พบ 81505 รายการ
ลำดับ หมายเลขเอกสาร ชื่อเรื่อง ปีที่พิมพ์ หน่วยงาน จำนวนหน้า สถานะ
961. ASHRAE 41.6 Standard Method for Humidity Measurement 28/6/2014 ASHRAE Active
962. ASHRAE 41.7 Standard Methods for Gas Flow Measurement 30/9/2015 ASHRAE Active
963. ASHRAE 41.8 Standard Methods for Liquid Flow Measurement 1/6/2016 ASHRAE Active
964. ASHRAE 41.9 Standard Methods for Volatile-Refrigerant Mass Flow Measurements Using Calorimeters 29/1/2011 ASHRAE Active
965. ASHRAE 41.9 ERTA Standard Methods for Volatile-Refrigerant Mass Flow Measurements Using Calorimeters 18/4/2017 ASHRAE Active
966. ASHRAE 4100 Relationships between Structure Factors, Response Factors, and Z-Transfer Function Coefficients for Multilayer Walls 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
967. ASHRAE 4101 A Critical Review of Displacement Ventilation - (RP-949) 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
968. ASHRAE 4102 Demonstration Knowledge Base to Aid Building Operators in Responding to Real-Time-Pricing Electricity Rates - RP-833 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
969. ASHRAE 4103 Environmental Quality in Animal Production Housing Facilities: A Review and Evaluation of Alternative Ventilation Strategies - RP-784 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
970. ASHRAE 4104 Experimental Testing and Computational Modeling of Flat Oval Duct Deflection - RP-732 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
971. ASHRAE 4105 Sequences of Extreme Temperature and Humidity for Design Calculations - RP-828 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
972. ASHRAE 4106 Developing an Adaptive Model of Thermal Comfort and Preference - RP-884 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
973. ASHRAE 4107 Numerical Simulation of Airflow in a Room with Differentially Heated Vertical Walls 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
974. ASHRAE 4108 The Combined Effect of Air Leakage and Conductive Heat Transfer in Window Frames and its Impact on the Canadian Energy Rating Procedure 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
975. ASHRAE 4109 Ammonia Spray Evaporation Heat Transfer Performance of Single Low-Fin and Corrugated Tubes - RP-725 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
976. ASHRAE 4110 Mass Flow Characteristics of R-407C Through Short-Tube Orifices 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
977. ASHRAE 4111 Corrosion of Metals in Contact with New Refrigerants/Lubricants at Various Moisture and Organic Acid Levels - RP-887 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
978. ASHRAE 4112 Predicting Central Plant HVAC Equipment Performance Using Neural Networks - Laboratory System Test Results 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
979. ASHRAE 4113 Heat and Moisture Transfer in Desiccant Coated Rotary Energy Exchangers: Part I - Numerical Model - The full text of this paper can be found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Reasearch, Volume 3, Numb 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
980. ASHRAE 4114 Heat and Moisture Transfer in Desiccant Coated Rotary Energy Exchangers: Part II - Validation and Sensitivity Studies - The full text of this paper can be found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Rease 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
981. ASHRAE 4115 A Testing and HVAC Design Methodology for Air-to-Air Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers - The full text of this paper can be found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Reasearch, Volume 4, Number 1, January 1998, 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
982. ASHRAE 4116 Methods for Resolving Fan/Motor Vibration Problems in Air-Conditioning Units: Part I - Analytical Models for Identifying Vibration Modes Excited by Fan Impeller Unbalance - RP-685 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
983. ASHRAE 4117 Methods for Resolving Fan/Motor Vibration Problems in Air-Conditioning Units: Part II - Experimental Procedures for Identifying Vibration Modes Excited by Fan Impeeler Unbalance - RP-685 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
984. ASHRAE 4119 Methods for Resolving Fan/Motor Vibration Problems in Air-Conditioning Units: Part IV - Experimental Procedures for Measuring Motor Torque Pulsations - RP-685 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
985. ASHRAE 4120 Determination of Coil Defrosting Loads: Part I - Experimental Facility Description - RP-622 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
986. ASHRAE 4121 Determination of Coil Defrosting Loads: Part II - Instrumentation and Data-Acquisition Systems - RP-622 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
987. ASHRAE 4122 Determination of Coil Defrosting Loads: Part III - Testing Procedures and Data Reduction - RP-622 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
988. ASHRAE 4123 Determination of Coil Defrosting Loads: Part IV - Refrigeration/Defrost Cycle Dynamics - RP-622 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
989. ASHRAE 4124 Determination of Coil Defrosting Loads: Part V - Analysis of Loads - RP-622 1998 ASHRAE Inactive
990. ASHRAE 4125 Total Heat Gain and the Split between Radiant and Convective Heat Gain from Office and Laboratory Equipment in Buildings - RP-822 1998 ASHRAE Inactive

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