แผนที่ของเว็บไซต์ สืบค้นสารเคมีที่อยู่ในข่ายที่ต้องควบคุมตามระบบ ความเป็นมาของเว็บ กลับหน้าเว็บไซต์แรก

เลือกหมวด หรือชื่อคำศัพท์ที่ต้องการ
ลำดับที่ 61 - 70 จากทั้งหมด 145 รายการ
ความหมาย : Organisation providing the interface between the Europen non-ferrous metals industry and the European authorities and international or intergovernmental bodies.  It engages in dialogue on all matters of policy and regulation that may affect its member industries.
ที่มา : http://www.nickelinstitute.org/
ประเภท : นิยามศัพท์ Reach
European Charter for Small Enterprises
ความหมาย : signed by EU Heads of State and Government (June 2000) which calls on the member states and the European Commission to create the best possible environment for small business and entrepreneurship.
ที่มา : http://www.smallbusinesseurope.org/
ประเภท : กฎหมายยุโรป
European Chemicals Bureau
ความหมาย : A part of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra in Italy, doing a lot of the Commission's scientific-technical work under the current legislation. Will prepare the ground for the new Agency that will then manage the REACH system.
ที่มา : http://www.chemical.org.uk/
ประเภท : นิยามศัพท์ Reach
European Commission
ความหมาย : in many ways, the commission is comparable to the UK Government’s civil service. However, it also wields significant political power and has the exclusive right of initiative in drafting legislation in all community areas. The commission divides its work into areas of policy overseen by the directorates-general, which together employ around 18,000 fonctionnaires, or officials. The president of the commission oversees its work with the support of commissioners.
ที่มา : http://www.smallbusinesseurope.org/
ประเภท : กฎหมายยุโรป
European Commission Work Programme
ความหมาย : an annual work programme in which the commission sets out the legislative and non legislative acts that it intends to propose during the year. The work programme is accompanied by roadmaps detailing the impact assessments to be undertaken on items of the work programme.
ที่มา : http://www.smallbusinesseurope.org/
ประเภท : กฎหมายยุโรป
European Commissioners
ความหมาย : : including the president, there are currently 20 commissioners. This will increase to 25 from November 2004 – one from each EU member state. Collectively, the commissioners make up the college of commissioners, confusingly also sometimes referred to as the commission. The college generally meets each Wednesday to consider and finalise new proposals drafted by their staff before submitting them to the parliament and council for consideration.
ที่มา : http://www.smallbusinesseurope.org/
ประเภท : กฎหมายยุโรป
European Community
ความหมาย : One of the three ‘pillars’ of the EU, governing matters such as the free movement of people, goods, services and capital, transport, competition, tax, economic and monetary policy, trade policy, employment and social policy, culture, health, consumers, industry, regional development policy, research, the environment and development. It stands in contrast to the other two pillars of the EU, namely, justice & home affairs and common foreign & security policy.
ที่มา : http://www.smallbusinesseurope.org/
ประเภท : นิยามศัพท์ Reach
European Community (EC)
ความหมาย : Former name for the European Union
ที่มา : http://www.fedee.com/
ประเภท : กฎหมายยุโรป
European Constitution
ความหมาย : A treaty signed by Member States in 2004, currently awaiting ratification. It aims to create a constitution for the EU, by replacing the set of existing treaties, and making decision making more efficient within the 25 Member State EU. The Constitution was drafted by the European Convention, set up following the Declaration made at the European Council in Laeken in 2001.
ที่มา : http://www.smallbusinesseurope.org/
ประเภท : กฎหมายยุโรป
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
ความหมาย : A forum where the various socio-economic organisations in the Member States of the European Union are represented. It is a consultative assembly, which is part of the European Union's institutional system and provides a link between Europe and civil society.
ที่มา : http://www.smallbusinesseurope.org/
ประเภท : กฎหมายยุโรป

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