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ข่าวที่ 1281 - 1300 จากทั้งหมด 1521
REACH legal challenge - formal statement from law firm  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

UK High Court ruling on application of REACH Regulation to polymers is "a great result for the chemical industry," say lawyers acting on behalf of the...อ่านต่อ

Health, safety and food origin main issues for UK policy ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The UK government has set in motion a review of food policy and strategies with the publication of an analytical study on current and emerging food tr...อ่านต่อ

Eco-friendly boxes could see polystyrene phased out ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Re-usable, plastic boxes could replace polystyrene boxes for transporting fish and other foods, offering suppliers significant environmental and produ...อ่านต่อ

REACH in practice - challenges for the life sciences sector. ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The life sciences sector is broad and it is apparent that certain industries have more to be immediately concerned about in the fi nal REACH text th...อ่านต่อ

Substances in articles REACH guidance finalised ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The long-awaited REACH guidance document on substances in articles has been finalised despite several Member States continuing to be very unhappy abou...อ่านต่อ

Farm to fork approach vital against persisting food poisoning ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The European Food Standards Authority (EFSA) emphasised the importance of the farm to fork approach in combating the continuing high prevalence of in...อ่านต่อ

Canada plans tough food safety laws ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has outlined radical plans to improve the safety of imported and exported foods - after admitting the country h...อ่านต่อ

Frequently Asked Questions on REACH by Industry ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The questions and answers presented here address general situations and are intended to assist those who do not have a detailed knowledge on REACH, to...อ่านต่อ

Member States vote to accept REACH fees Regulation ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Member States' representatives yesterday voted in favour of the European Commission's draft REACH fees Regulation, with only a few amendments to the t...อ่านต่อ

Banned list will improve botanical safety ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

A list to establish which botanicals should be banned on safety grounds would bring an end to potentially dangerous extracts on the market.... ...อ่านต่อ

Environmental adjustments changing logistics strategies ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

While it is still the case that some view supply chain greening as a necessary evil, the most innovative and successful companies of all sizes have di...อ่านต่อ

REACH chemicals regulation affects distribution ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

...Directly affected by this regulation are also stakeholders further down the supply chain along with companies that import products made from such s...อ่านต่อ

Women targeted in new REACH campaign ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

A new guidebook targeted at women has been launched to promote consumers' rights under the EU's chemicals regulation REACH..... ...อ่านต่อ

Businesses study new EU regulations on chemical substances  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

...New regulations for the use of chemicals for goods production and exports to the European Union were the focus of a Ha Noi seminar on November 19. ...อ่านต่อ

EU plans curbs on chemicals, goods  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The registration cost of $2,000 would deter small exporters as they would also face additional costs in terms of travel and logistics for the registra...อ่านต่อ

Commission explains justification for REACH fees ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Standard fees for firms registering substances under the REACH Regulation have risen substantially compared to estimates given last year because SMEs ...อ่านต่อ

EU pulp and paper firms to decide on REACH consortia ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

European pulp and paper manufacturers will consolidate REACH preparations next month with a kick-off meeting to discuss consortia formation.The meetin...อ่านต่อ

EC moves to further open up trade ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The EC has unveiled a set of policy guidelines that could impact the food industry by further opening up trade in the region.... ...อ่านต่อ

Early pre-registration urged by ECHA board member ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Companies leaving pre-registration until the last possible moment could create problems for the system, a member of the European Chemicals Agency (ECH...อ่านต่อ

Food laws could unlock Asian market ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

European countries are showing a strong interest in the Asian health and nutrition market, which could be bolstered by the area's proposed harmonisati...อ่านต่อ

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ปรับปรุง : Monday, July 25, 2011 6:51 PM