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ข่าวที่ 1461 - 1480 จากทั้งหมด 1521
Environment fact sheet: REACH — a new chemicals policy for the EU  ข่าวโดย..นภดล

6 Facts
Fact 1: We need chemicals and a strong industry.
Fact 2: Chemicals can pose risks, but information is sketchy.
Fact 3: Current le...อ่านต่อ

New study evaluates environment and health benefits of REACH ข่าวโดย..นภดล

20 February 2006 -The draft REACH legislation on chemicals could save society billion of euros in water treatment and other environmental costs su...อ่านต่อ

Organizing and Managing Industry Consortia – Are you prepared? ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Sedlak, R.1, 1 The Soap and Detergent Association, Washington, DC, USA The success of major new chemical policy initiatives will depend significantly...อ่านต่อ

สกว.จับมือพันธมิตรดึงเอกชนรับมือกฎการใช้สารเคมีของอียู ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

สกว.จับมือพันธมิตร ชวนเอกชนสร้างภาคี เตรียมรับมือผลกระทบจากการออกกฎระเบียบว่าด้วยสารเคมีของอียู นักวิชาการชี้กฎดังกล่าวเป็นความหวังดีแต่ประสงค์ร้าย ...อ่านต่อ

Thai exporters told to heed chemical rule  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

A chemical expert called on Thai manufacturers to pay closer attention to a new European Union trade law targeting chemicals used in their products. T...อ่านต่อ

REACH Text – as agreed at Competitiveness Council 13 December 2005 ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

13 December 2005 - At Competitiveness Council today, Member States achieved political agreement on REACH, the new chemicals regulation. It paves the w...อ่านต่อ

Germany to send REACH back to European Parliament  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The new German government will not agree to the European Union's controversial REACH (registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals) legisla...อ่านต่อ

Cefic conducts survey on impact of REACH on chemical SMEs ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Cefic has conducted an analysis of the situation of SMEs within the chemical industry, with a view to estimating the number of SMEs directly affected ...อ่านต่อ

EU unsure about replacing dangerous chemicals ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The key outstanding issue in the REACH debate is how to substitute the most dangerous chemicals, the UK Presidency indicated after a debate with EU mi...อ่านต่อ

Chemical sector defines future research agenda ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

With REACH discussions making progress in Council and Parliament, the chemical industry sector has unveiled a new research agenda for innovation in th...อ่านต่อ

EU Parliament Passes REACH Legislation In First Reading; Ministers Now to Review ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The legislation now must be approved by the EU Council of Ministers, which could happen as soon as December. It would then return to Parliament for a ...อ่านต่อ

America's Chemical Makers Dismayed by E.U. 'REACH' Vote  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

ARLINGTON, Va., Nov. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Chemistry Council (ACC) is dismayed by yesterday's European Union Parliament vote to approve th...อ่านต่อ

European Parliament votes a mixed result on REACH ข่าวโดย..นภดล

In an important step forward for European chemicals policy, the Parliament supported substitution of the most hazardous chemicals. However, in a big s...อ่านต่อ

Euro MPs back major chemicals law  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The European Parliament has approved far-reaching legislation which will lead to the safety testing of thousands of chemicals used in everyday product...อ่านต่อ

REACH: talks continue after Parliament deal ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Industry and environmental pressure groups continue their political lobbying unabated after the three major political groups in Parliament agreed to a...อ่านต่อ

Postpone REACH chemicals vote, Germany asks UK ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Germany has formally asked Britain, as current EU president, to delay a vote on a controversial bill requiring registration and safety data on chemica...อ่านต่อ

MEPs take Liberal-Green line in REACH chemicals vote ข่าวโดย..นภดล

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Conservative MEPs got a slap in the face on the EU's REACH chemicals bill on Thursday (17 November), as the European Parliamen...อ่านต่อ

Britain sets December date for EU chemicals deal ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

BRUSSELS, Nov 18 (Reuters) - Britain, holder of the European Union presidency, said on Friday it will hold a special meeting of EU ministers on Dec. 1...อ่านต่อ

EU Parliament vote Chemical Industry: important step in REACH process. ข่าวโดย..นภดล

The chemical industry welcomes the fact that a broad political majority could agree on amendments to the registration element of REACH that aimed at i...อ่านต่อ

Parliament backs safety assessment of chemicals ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

A large majority of MEPs have endorsed a cross-party deal struck last week on the REACH proposal. But controversial new provisions to substitute the m...อ่านต่อ

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