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ข่าวที่ 1341 - 1360 จากทั้งหมด 1521
ECHA publishes REACH guidance for industry on data sharing  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Essential to read now, this guidance describes how pre-registration and the formation of substance information exchange fora (SIEFs) will work, includ...อ่านต่อ

Korea opens REACH helpdesk in Brussels ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The Brussels office is a joint project of the Korea Environmental Council in Europe (KECE), the Korea National Clean Production Centre and the Korea S...อ่านต่อ

Chemicals' competitiveness focus of new high-level group ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Nine months after the adoption of strict new EU health and safety rules for the sector (REACH), high-level stakeholders from the chemicals industry ga...อ่านต่อ

Preparing for REACH: The first step is to understand its implications ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Even with all of the public debate, there are a number of misconceptions about REACH. The first is that it is just a chemical industry issue. True, RE...อ่านต่อ

Why electronics companies need to worry about REACH ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Since most article manufacturers at the OEM level tend not to directly use individual substances or import them into the EU, the legal obligations mos...อ่านต่อ

ECHA publishes information for exporters to EU ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Brochures provide the basics on REACH requirements, deadlines ...อ่านต่อ

September 5 Mattel Recall and Wal-Mart’s Safety Net Program  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

...Mattel signaled clearly last month that their enhanced testing program may result in additional recalls. Still, we know how unsettling this has be...อ่านต่อ

Tungsten REACH registration consortium invites participants ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

...Other producers and importers are now invited to join the consortium before a deadline of 30 November 2007, after which the costs of joining will i...อ่านต่อ

China opens chemicals representative office in Helsinki ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The Chinese government has opened an office in Helsinki to help its exporters comply with the REACH Regulation. The body is due to formally start work...อ่านต่อ

Strong Demand for advice on REACH to be met at Conference ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Smithers Rapra Technology, a subsidiary of the US-based independent testing, consulting and contract research organisation, The Smithers Group, has ad...อ่านต่อ

EU silicon industry starts work on four REACH consortia ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

EU ferro-alloys trade association Euroalliages has taken the first steps towards setting up four consortia to register four forms of silicon. The p...อ่านต่อ

Chlorinated solvents producers prepare for REACH ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The European Chlorinated Solvent Association (ECSA) has established six REACH “product teams” covering the solvents methylene chloride, trichloroethyl...อ่านต่อ

GoodBye Chain Group Expands Its Award-Winning Substance and Material Management Solution for REACH Compliance ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

MDW-ES allows companies of all sizes to: 1) immediately build their own internal REACH-ready substance libraries; 2) identify those substances that ar...อ่านต่อ

ITRI spearheads work on inorganic tin REACH consortia ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Tin producers and users are being urged to work together to register tin metal and inorganic compounds under the REACH Regulation by the International...อ่านต่อ

Final days to join nickel REACH consortia ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Three consortia for nickel metal and compounds are open for signature until 31 August under the auspices of the European Nickel Industry Association (...อ่านต่อ

Formaldehyde producers plan risk review conference  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The Conference aims to present and discuss two key aspects of research into formaldehyde, which are of equal scientific relevance. The programme is th...อ่านต่อ

US manufacturers organise to tackle REACH ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is to set up a “manufacturers’ network on chemicals regulations” to help US industry meet the challen...อ่านต่อ

REACH awareness “top priority” for Indian firms ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

A government-backed REACH helpdesk is to be set up in India within the next few months to raise awareness of the Regulation and its implications for t...อ่านต่อ

Sulphuric acid “pre-consortia” invite members ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The European Sulphuric Acid Association (ESA) is in the process of setting up three consortia covering sulphuric acid, sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sulph...อ่านต่อ

REACH introduces new risks ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Christopher Bryce, Marsh's Industry Practice Leader for Chemicals and Life Sciences industries in EMEA, said: “REACH is one of the most important and ...อ่านต่อ

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ปรับปรุง : Monday, July 25, 2011 6:51 PM