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ข่าวที่ 1381 - 1400 จากทั้งหมด 1521
Proposal to align classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals to UN standards ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The European Commission today has proposed to align the current EU system of classification of chemical substances and mixtures to the United Nations ...อ่านต่อ

EU norm may hit chemicals exports  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

MUMBAI, JUN 14 : Companies exporting chemicals to the European Union (EU) are stepping up their own product safety scrutiny to comply with a stiff ne...อ่านต่อ

Emerging Chemical Regulatory Environment ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

...The 2007 World Chemistry Leadership Meeting will be held 10 August 2007 as part of the IUPAC General Assembly and 41st World Chemistry Congress in ...อ่านต่อ

Clothing makers, importers to be hit by EU chemicals law ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

New EU regulations that came into force at the beginning of this month require clothing manufacturers and importers to identify and quantify the chemi...อ่านต่อ

Chinese companies still not aware of EU rules ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

When Xin Yu first heard of REACH, the European Union's new regulation on chemicals, his immediate response was to wonder if it was the same as RoHS, a...อ่านต่อ

REACH Enters Into Force; 'Too Early To Celebrate,' Advocacy Groups Warn ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The European Union's registration, evaluation, and authorization of chemicals (REACH) legislation entered into force June 1, but a coalition of eight ...อ่านต่อ

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the REACH Regulation - Questions and Answers ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The new European chemicals legislation, REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restrictions of Chemicals) entered into force on 1 June 200...อ่านต่อ

Confidence of Chemical CEOs Dimmed by Market Challenges, Finds PricewaterhouseCoopers Survey  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

"It is not surprising to see that regulation is concerning chemical CEOs. The European Regulation, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH) w...อ่านต่อ

Processors, packagers prepare for new chemicals law ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The EU's Registration Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (Reach) puts the onus on businesses to demonstrate that the chemicals it uses in its ...อ่านต่อ

REACH and Nano ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

It has been suggested by some that REACH’s application to nanoparticles and nanomaterials is unclear. While it is true that REACH does not specifical...อ่านต่อ

EU's REACH imposes language requirements on chemical companies ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

...The two most important aims of REACH are to improve protection of human health and the environment from the risks of chemicals, while enhancing the...อ่านต่อ

Japan News: EU's REACH extending to Japan  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Another set of regulations from the European Union regarding safety of thousands of chemicals is having a major impact on manufacturers in Japan and A...อ่านต่อ

Will the EU’s REACH serve researchers’ needs? ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

A new European chemicals law will generate $13 billion worth of data, but not everyone is sure the database will be a treasure trove for researchers.....อ่านต่อ

Brussels Unveils Alternatives To Animal Testing  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

...The validation of the new testing methods couldn’t have come at a better time. From June 1 the EU Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation o...อ่านต่อ

High Attendance at Rapras First REACH Conference Reflects International Response to European Regulation  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

...The conference was structured in such a way as to give as wide a perspective as possible on REACH, right across the chemicals supply chain from the...อ่านต่อ

REACH risks becoming too complex for SMEs says CBA  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The Chemical Business Association (CBA) has today (17 April 2007) expressed concern that the six REACH Implementation Projects (RIPs) risk making REAC...อ่านต่อ

"R" in REACH Workshop  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The “R in REACH” workshop aims to explain and discuss key aspects of pre-registration and registration of chemical substances. It will also provide up...อ่านต่อ

EU's REACH imposes language requirements on chemical companies ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

...Amongst the myriad of controls and regulations facing chemical companies will be a requirement to take cognisance of the multiple language dimensio...อ่านต่อ

Fears Reach may lead to high costs ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Small companies dealing in metals used for hi-tech applications – such as LCD screens, mobile phones and computer keyboards – risk having to pay hundr...อ่านต่อ

Proposals for the UK enforcement of the EU 'REACH' chemicals regulation  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The UK is required to have an enforcement and penalties regime in place no later than 1 December 2008........อ่านต่อ

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