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ข่าวที่ 641 - 660 จากทั้งหมด 1521
EU food authority publishes 2008 overview of acrylamide in food levels ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published the second of three annual surveys in 22 EU countries and Norway to determine consumer exposur...อ่านต่อ

Scientists find significant variation in results of different chemical screening methods ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

A team of scientists from Canada, Norway and Germany have published a study assessing different methods of chemical screening........อ่านต่อ

MEPs seek tougher measures on nanomaterials in foods ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Unlike EU Member States [1], MEPs support the mandatory labelling of all nano ingredients, and requested detailed proof that nano present in both food...อ่านต่อ

OECD issues three reports on manufactured nanomaterial safety work ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The OECD has issued a number of reports on the safety of manufactured nanomaterials including:...... ...อ่านต่อ

Plastics industry develops safety data sheets to support recyclers ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Standard safety data sheets for plastic recyclate have been developed by four industry groups in a joint project which aims to support plastic recycle...อ่านต่อ

European Commission posts REACH and nanoproducts workshop papers ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Papers from last month’s workshop on the early harvest of results relevant to the REACH Implementation Projects on Nanomaterials (RIPoNs) on informati...อ่านต่อ

Solar industry divided over EU toxic substances law ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The European solar industry has begun a campaign to exclude photovoltaic solar panels from the recast directive on the restriction of certain hazardou...อ่านต่อ

The weight of evidence ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Better chemical-control legislation is a good start, but scientific reform should parallel legal reform.... ...อ่านต่อ

Producers of alternative flame retardants met MEPs  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Pinfa (Phosphorus Inorganic and Nitrogen Flame retardant Association) was called by a group of leading Members of the European Parliament on 23 March ...อ่านต่อ

ECHA progresses guidance on substances in articles ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has sent draft Guidance on requirements for substances in articles to the Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP...อ่านต่อ

Draft Californian study addresses policy and risk assessment implications of nanomaterials ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The document makes recommendations about how to face the challenges presented by nanomaterials to policy and risk assessment. ...อ่านต่อ

Walmart strategy to reduce toxic footprint  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Walmart, one of the biggest retailers in the world with 175 million customers per week, tackles the problem of hazardous chemicals in all-day products...อ่านต่อ

USA: Introducing Chemicals Policy Reform  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

It has been a long and winding road, but on 15 April 2010 US Senator Lautenberg in the U.S. Senate introduced a new bill aiming at reforming the US Ch...อ่านต่อ

Solar industry divided over EU toxic substances law ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Solar panel manufacturers are fighting for an exemption from EU legislation restricting the use of dangerous chemicals in electronic products. But som...อ่านต่อ

NGO urges people to lobby national governments for greater Candidate List action ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The Health and Environment Alliance’s (HEAL) Chemicals Health Monitor project has launched a campaign to encourage the general public to lobby their n...อ่านต่อ

Doctors call for UK trans fat ban ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

Banning artificial trans fats in the UK could prevent 11,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths a year, according to two senior doctors writing in the Bri...อ่านต่อ

Practical Guides to help companies comply with REACH ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

ECHA has published six Practical Guides to help registrants meet their information requirements for REACH registration.......อ่านต่อ

SAICM launches a web-based information clearinghouse  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The United Nation’s Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) has launched a web information clearinghouse.......อ่านต่อ

Draft REACH guidance on waste and recovered substances makes progress  ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has passed draft guidance on waste and recovered substances on to the Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CA...อ่านต่อ

EP impact assessment questions further susbtance bans under RoHS ข่าวโดย..รดาวรรณ

An impact assessment published by the European Parliament's policy department has concluded that cost/benefit analysis does not justify restricting th...อ่านต่อ

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ปรับปรุง : Monday, July 25, 2011 6:51 PM